Black light retribution
Black light retribution

Need more firepower? Run over to a weapon depot and refill on health or ammunition, or select a Hard Suit and deploy it from space.

black light retribution

Once on the battlefield you can enable Hyper Reality Visor (HRV) technology to see through the entire battlefield, find your enemies and coordinate attacks with your teammates. Today, we can officially say it is coming to PS4! Blacklight: Retribution is a fast-paced, free-to-play online, multiplayer game that takes place in the near future and allows players to customize their characters and weapons in countless ways. One year and over two million players since its launch, Blacklight: Retribution has been available on PC, but from the start of development Zombie Studios has always wanted Blacklight: Retribution to be available on PlayStation.

black light retribution

Greetings PlayStation.Blog! Zombie Studios is excited to announce that Blacklight: Retribution will be coming to the PS4.

Black light retribution